Sunday, 31 August 2014

Grabbing Ethiopia

Ethiopia is a country filled with breathtaking landscapes in nature, diverse in culture and religious views (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) that coexist rather peacefully and rich in history; which is terrific for tourists searching for something different and adventurous. Well that's what these promotional videos below have thematically essentialised Ethiopia as. 

World Vignettes describes Ethiopia: "[Ethiopia has] the richness of culture, the excitement of a safari and a wonder of nation rarely seen by Western eyes," 
The FDRE Ministry of Culture and Tourism displays Ethiopia's rich culture and exotic looking diversity,

Promotional Video: Walta Information Center, Addis Ababa

Of course, that's their prerogative in order to attract tourists, however a promotional company can represent Ethiopia as, another can spin it's image differently.

When they show you the breathtaking landscapes of the Nile, mountains, ancient structures along with the richness of culture, they don't highlight the farmland owned by foreign investors. 

MDG : Ethiopia Palm Oil Plantations owned by Karuturi Global : Landgrabbing and relocation of Suri
Workers on farmland owned by Karaturi Global, in Bako credits to Jose Cendon/ Getty Images  from 
As a result of this foreign investment, do they reveal the displaced people evicted from their traditional land, as a result of the FDRE's highly promoted venture to sell off three million hectares of farmland to foreign investors (of which one million has already been sold)?  
People struggling to feed themselves, due to displacement

When they promote cultural diversity do they mean this guy?
Sai Ramakrishna Karaturi;
founder of Karaturi Global
 one of many enterprises buying Ethiopian Land
Article here 


Massey (2006) teaches us that space and place are fluid concepts, not restrained by it's common representation of how other people may present it through maps, promotional videos, brochures etc.  Ethiopia as a place is perceived differently for tourists, it's Indigenous people, government and foreign investors. 

Therefore, you cannot presume that Ethiopia is the land of untouched wilderness of exotic cultures filled with rich histories, it's not only that. Thus, when making your journey around Ethiopia, don't search for an essentialised promotional version of Ethiopia, discover YOUR STORY of Ethiopia and make it matter to you. 

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